Job Seeker Resources | Staffing Critical Facilities and Data Center
Job Seeker Resource Page
“The candidate who gets the job is not always the most qualified, but is always the most prepared”
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Pkaza has created several documents to help pay it forward. We know we can’t help every job seeker, so if our job advice helps you land your next job, please remember us when you need to do any hiring or have any referrals to send our way!
Navigate through the interview process with our famous Pkaza Prep; Pkaza Job Search Advice; How to Leverage LinkedIn; Email Etiquette; and our Counter Offer Article. These job seeker resources are quick reads that can hopefully help you find the next great job opportunity. Best of luck with your job search.
Some of the candidates that we are working with choose to pursue opportunities that require relocation.
Top Reasons Candidates Relocate:
Huge career opportunity
Looking for a better and more affordable lifestyle
Move closer to family
Move to a better climate
Things to Consider when Relocating:
Did you ever seriously discuss relocation with your spouse or family? Communicating with family and kids (especially if they are teenagers) is critical.
Timing matters especially if you have kids. Will you wait till school ends? Time it with a school break if not during the summer
Majority of our relo candidates rent a place before settling down in a new location as it’s important to research desirable neighborhoods where you want to make roots in. Easier to search for a permanent location with a temporary home base
If you rent, you may need to break a lease, so if you are on the job market, best to keep your lease to a month to month
If you own and have family and you need to be at new location fast, just rent at your new place of work and do a delayed relo to get an idea of your new location first and minimizing impact of relo for your family until you are ready.
Not all companies offer relo packages, so make sure you indicate early in the process if you need assistance to make the move.
Minimize any strings that you may have holding you back from relocating.