The 7×24 Exchange D.C. Chapter’s 13th Annual Charity Golf Tournament, held on September 25th at the Golf Club at Lansdowne, was spared by Mother Nature as Tropical Storm Ophelia visited the area the day before, but the sun did its job the next day (along with a few sump pumps) drying out the course. As luck would have it, it rained the day after the event as well, so playing on Monday was nothing short of spectacular! Over the past 13 years, this event has been a beacon of charitable giving, raising over $180K for esteemed organizations such as the Gary Sinise Foundation, Children’s National Medical Center, Fisher House Foundation, and the American Heart Association. Additionally, it has funded $335K in scholarships, a testament to the event’s commitment to education and community upliftment, and Pkaza was lucky enough to be a part of this years’ efforts.
Due to the event’s soaring popularity, tickets sold for this event sold-out in hours, like back in the days when you waited at Ticketmaster at 4 in the morning to get tickets for your favorite rock concert, because if you waited till 11, the show would have been already sold-out! At Lansdowne, you got to play on the 3 courses – RTJ, Norman, and SharkBite. RTJ and Norman are beautiful 18-hole championship courses and with the 9-hole Greg Norman designed SharkBite Course, players on this course played it twice.
We had an incredible experience at the event. Starting the day with Bloody Mary’s with (not for) breakfast for some players, networking set the tone for what was to come. The Shotgun start ushered in a day of competitive golf, with contests at every turn, from closest-to-the-pin to hole-in-one challenges. Those players that were on RTJ course had the chance to visit the Pkaza tent on the 16th hole for a raffle of Bourbon. At the end of the day there was the reception, awards ceremony, raffle items were drawn in the ballroom. Here, participants met up with those who played on the courses and had a chance to network, etc. I didn’t catch who won the 50-50, or team with best score on Norman, but I do know whose info Lillian Rivera picked from the fishbowl for our pkaza bourbon raffle – Congrats to Chris Morris from DPR, for winning the raffle!
Looking back at the event, it was a very well attended event and did not disappoint! I saw a lot of fresh faces and I know a lot of people in this industry! I love the fact how much philanthropy and giving back to the community this 7×24 D.C. Chapter does!
My hat goes to 7×24 D.C. Chapter and the volunteers there for this event. Also, thanks Kelly Rowohlt from, for helping me take pics and staffing the tent with me!
We look forward to next year’s event and the opportunities it will bring!